

Crowd Follower

Image by Google  Every person involved in crowd to find their goal, there are many more crowd in every field of life.and all are running in same track but the man who choose new track to achieve their goal. If you follow the crowd track your personal Identity not recognise and success possibility less than those who create new pathway. You create yourself odd man whose looking different to others because your success depends on new invention , , new roadmap. Don’t make yourself crowd Follower,  you should try to be people follow you, you do some different.

मुश्किल हालात

मुश्किल हालात में इंसान को जो सीख अनुभव मिलता है दुनिया के किसी स्कूल में नहीं मिल सकता । मुश्किल हालात में ही अपने पराए का ज्ञान मिलता है मुश्किल हालात में जो हाथ अपने साथ रहे वही सच्चे अपने हैं ।।

Loser Can't be Winner

Image by Google  Life is not so easy, there are many challenges in life journey, we face day by day. Sometimes we frustrated our challenges and leave our mission or goal. It is life time factor , situation not in our hand but our mental strength, our commitment in ours, develop our inner strength, boost our confidence and fighting spirit to face every situation of life. We never be looser, fighting ability control the situation and emotion. We saw when we fail to perform our job, left our job or goal it is not right to our thoughts, success and failure both or the part of our job or goal, but fighting spirit is our asset. We fight always to success of our goal. Fighting spirit is our asset it give us extra energy to face the situation and resolve the issues, no doubt every work has the many challenges and we faid up sometime but our spirit to enforce us to try and try again to found solution. Our continuous trial is the key of complete our job and boost our conference l...

Doubtful Mind create Negativity

Image by Google  Our mental status is our barrier when we thought in doubt full mind our mind created negative of in our mind, we should always think positive ” we can” that thought give us mental boost and confidence. It is no doubt every act both possibilities success and failure but we should prepare us to any condition we will success Only thinking is not our tools of success but specialisation in your fiel most important, both life stages either personal or professional we should be honest our commitment and belief to our family members and our professional colleagues Don’t feel about barrier just proceed our work believe ourselves break the negative thoughts and boundaries, success wil come automatically.

Writing My Passion

I don’t mind who appreciate my writing, reading my poetry, article but writing is my hobby, it will give me satisfaction, always motivated me to write some positive. I know I am not good writer but always delivering positive message to readers and society. I always reading my followers blog and respons positive and appreciate to who follow me or I follow to them. Every creation is great because writing described their thought and writer always dictate their observation, perception surrounding their social platform. Everyone view different and train to others about their vision and deliver message for goodness of society. Writing is the eternal inspiration to write something, what we understand about society and social change.


Patience is the key of success, don’t bother yourself in odd situation you should judge the situation and wait time will change. In life we faced many odd situation where we lost Our patience and we done mistake and lost our positivity and negative thoughts come in mind which is effected our success possibility. Don’t hurry life is journey of pros and cons situation always changing. Your patience is your assets, it always boost our mental situation and confidence you energized and work hard to achieve your goal.


सौजन्य गूगल  ख्वाहिशें कुछ और हैं वक्त की इल्तिज़ा कुछ और है कौन जी सका है जिंदगी अपनी मर्जी से वक्त का तकाजा कुछ और है । इंसान लाख अपने जीने का सलीका बनाए होता वही है जो नियत की कसौटी है पल भर में बदल जाती है जिंदगी की तस्वीर क्योंकि वक्त की मंशा कुछ और ही है । हजारों ख्वाहिशें दम तोड देती है वक्त की बिसात पर जिंदगी जीने के लिए गिरकर उठना ही पड़ता है हिम्मत इंसान करे तो वक्त को भी झुकना पड़ता है ।।